2. Go Town Ofunato


Toda Toda, Mayor of Ofunato, Kimiaki TODA

 Congratulations on the establishment of the “Ship of Hope” website in the town of Go.
 Well, it is said that the gostone coast of this city which is the scenic spot which represents Sanriku Reconstruction National Park was the territory of the Date clan in old, and the pebble of Nagisa was offered as a go stone of go.
 In keeping with the origin of the name of the Gostone Coast, volunteers from outside the city have formed an executive committee to promote the city through the reconstruction of the city through the development of go town and the promotion of the local community, and since Heisei 26, the Go Festival on the Go Stone Coast has been held continuously every year.
 With the aim of promoting the total recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and aiming to improve the regional strength to cope with the declining population and aging population, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the people involved, including Mr. Kitani, chairman of the Committee, who has been instrumental in our efforts to improve the city’s name recognition and expand the exchange population, as a result of the festival’s hosting.
 The enthusiasm of the executive committee led to the efforts of the public and private sectors, and the city established “Go Stone Day” in the Heisei Year to promote regional communities and promote tourism with the keyword “Go stone” on the Gostone Coast.
 In addition, the first game of the game was held in the city in Heisei 30, and in May of the following year, the main battle was held for the first time in 50 years since Showa 44, and the momentum for the town planning of Go is increasing.
 In the future, through the initiatives of the Executive Committee, we hope that the city’s attractiveness will be further disseminated to japan and overseas, and that attracting visitors will be promoted and that new urban development will be strongly supported.
 I pray for the increasing development of the Go Festival Executive Committee at Gostone Coast and the success of the people involved.